Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This is a crazy one!

Positive for the day - Dad is A-okay!

So my dad has been left home alone with 2 cats and a dog for nearly a week. Mom calls today to ask if I've seen him - nope not since Saturday. My hubby calls to say he's going to check in on dad after work. Hubby later calls in a panic, can't get dad to answer the door. He's been knocking and ringing the doorbell for about five minutes. I tell him he's probably napping or otherwise occupied (in other words in the powder room). I tell him to come home and I'll call dad in half an hour.

I call, dad was otherwise occupied and didn't hear the doorbell or the knocking. He's fine, even on his way to the American Legion for a meeting. Then my brother calls about half hour later - Have I talked to dad recently because he's not answering the phone.

Boy that man sure can send people into a panic! Thankfully he is just fine!!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Zippidee Do Da

Thanks to my neighbor my 16yr old was able to experience a zip line today. He had a great time hanging out with our neighbor while experiencing a new adventure. Thanks to the neighbor's wife for inviting our 12yr old over to swim with a new friend while our son was zipping along!

Another positive - I didn't have to cook today! My husband grilled a roast, made some yummy summer squash he bought at a farmer's market, and made some cheesy mashed potatoes.

Great Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I won a giveaway!

I am a teacher blog stalker. Sounds creepy, but it really isn't. Basically as I search for a teaching job I am also searching out wonderful teacher bloggers and learning as much as I can. Many teachers offer their experiences so generously and I really enjoy living vicariously through them!

Anyway, when I see a teacher blogging about a giveaway, I just have to enter it. Much to my surprise I won one of the giveaways I entered!!! I'll be receiving some really cute mini file folders, a great book to add to my collection, and a math & literacy center packet.

You can read all about my positive moment on my teaching blog here - Success in Bloom.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Surprise Deal

It's sometimes the little things that can make a person's day.

I bought a pair of swim trunks for my 16yr old today. I was thrilled to find some for $8 because even finding shorts for him under $20 can be a chore. Even worse is trying to find something he will like and actually wear in public!

Imagine my surprise when the swim trunks rang up for $6!!!

That positively made my day!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Able to Laugh

Today was the last day of work for the school year. It has been quite a stressful year and my coworkers and I were glad to have it coming to an end. Although the kids were trying to break every rule and totally ignoring us, we were able to laugh. Okay, so maybe we were laughing because we were so stressed out, but at least we were laughing!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What a kind son I have

Life with a teenager can be a bit crazy at times, especially when dealing with moods that change at the drop of a hat.

Imagine how thrilled I was when my son asked me if I'd like some eggs and bacon this morning when he decided to cook some for himself. He would just die if he realized I was blogging about him!

But how nice of him to think of his mom once in a while and offer to cook for me instead of asking me to cook for him! Thanks to him for making my day start off so good!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

No Mopeds Today

Positive for the day - There wasn't a single moped to slow me down on the road today.

Yesterday I had two in my way at different times. The one that mad me crazy was in the left lane, in front of me, going 20mph in a 45mph zone. Of course all the cars behind us moved to the right lane and kept passing us. I was not pleased with this moped driver. I'm sorry, I have no problem with them being on the road, but they need to get out of the way when they become a hazard to other drivers.

Another positive - I wasn't happy with a paper I turned in to have graded and 24hrs after submitting it it still had not been picked up for grading so I was able to cancel it to work on it some more.

Tune in tomorrow to find out what positive moments I have!

Tuesday's Positive Moment

Okay, I debated as to whether or not to even blog about yesterday since it was a Murphy's Law kind of day. It seemed that anything and everything went wrong and blogging about it would have gone against the whole reason I started this blog.

Instead of boring you with all the details of my really long day yesterday, I will highlight the positive! My daughter had her last concert chorus of the school year last night. It's held in the middle school gym and dad and I sat close to the 6th grade chorus. They sat in the bleachers when they were not singing. Now I know kids like to talk, but these kids should know better than to talk while others are performing. The majority of them were talking the entire time the 7th and 8th grade choruses were performing. Needless to say I was quite annoyed because I was having a hard time hearing the music over their incessant chatter.

Highlighting the positive: Every time I looked over at the bleachers to glare at those chit-chatters, my daughter was never talking. She was respectfully watching the other performances! So thanks to her for giving me a positive and proud moment to blog about!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Purpose of this Blog

Being an early childhood teacher I understand the need to be positive with children. However, one of my memories from childhood involves someone who knew me well (and who shall remain unnamed) calling me "Colleen the Chronic Complainer." That stuck with me throughout my life. It was sometimes years before it resurfaced in my mind, but sometimes it felt like it never left.

Am I a chronic complainer? Well I don't think so. Sure I complain, who doesn't? Do I complain all the time? I hope not! I try not to anyway. Yes, I know I've always been a pessimist. I don't know where that came from, but being optimistic actually takes a huge effort on my part. I have to consciously think about what I'm saying, feeling, and thinking in order to "turn that frown upside down" and think positively.

That's where this blog comes in. I recently saw a clip on a morning news show about a man who has written two books about the awesome things in life. I've seen challenges on and offline about people paying it forward or being positive, etc.

The goal for this blog is to remind myself that the small things all add up and can equal a positive if only I let them. I plan to post at least one positive moment every day. That is my plan, but just know that I am a procrastinator so I may just not get around to it. I don't think that's a bad thing, just something I've had to work on my entire life!

So here's to being positive every day!